Grant Funded Programming


Part of the Special Programming at Margaret Tietz
is due to the generosity of the NYFE.

The SMILE Program The SMILE Program is an essential Therapeutic Recreation modality that provides music therapy and entertainment to enhance the recreation program provided by the Margaret Tietz recreational staff. Michael Jaillon, Music Therapist provides group and individual music therapy five days a week. The Music Therapy Program take place on all floors and benefit both residents and staff. Residents are actively engaged in the experience, which creates a positive, upbeat atmosphere on the units and assists the Nursing staff in providing care with less interruption. Programs are presented in the area in front of the nursing stations providing easy access and enable many residents to participate. The Music Therapist facilitates the Individualized Music and Memory Program which utilizes iPods to provide individualized personalized music to the residents. Residents are referred to the Individualized music program which is a sensory modality for residents that are unable to self-initiate leisure pursuits due to a wide range of cognitive and physical limitations, and enables Margaret Tietz to focus on person-centered care. Crisis Intervention and Needs Program The Crisis Intervention and Needs Program helps to support additional 1:1 services for those Holocaust Survivors in greatest need suffering with difficult remembrances, dementia, and related conditions affecting their quality of life. Specially trained companion aides are provided that are certified by The National Certification Board for Alzheimer Care (NCBAC). Geriatric Psychiatric Clinical Case Conference Program A unique clinical case conference study is conducted at Margret Tietz Center biweekly, by a team of physicians, geriatric medicine and gero-psychiatry fellows and supervised by Dr. Gary Kennedy and Dr. Rubina Malik. Dr. Kennedy is Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Director of the Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Fellowship Training Program at Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine along with Dr. Malik who is an Assistant Professor in Department of Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center. This Geriatric Psychiatric Program offers medical students with a year-long enhanced clinical experience of specialized knowledge and supervised patient contact in Geriatric Psychiatry, working with Montefiore Hospital and Margaret Tietz Center Physicians and Clinical Team. An in-depth overview of patient’s medical, psychosocial, economic, spiritual and/or religious beliefs are discussed and analyzed for optimal and enhanced management of resident care. The resident, resident’s family members and interdisciplinary clinical staff in association with Dr. Kennedy’s team is an integral part of the conference. The clinical case conferences continue to provide an advanced, invaluable insight into various aspects of our residents care.

Additional Grant Funded Programming

Creative Arts Therapy The Art Therapy program at Margaret Tietz not only provides opportunities for residents to socialize and develop relationships within the community, but it also offers residents with different ways to explore and express themselves through the creative process. Depending on the individual needs and preferences of each person, we offer personalized objectives and various art supplies, including: paint, clay, drawing media, or sensory materials to inspire a meaningful project or simply to spark a person’s interest to enjoy the moment. The Art Therapy program focuses on the emotional, cognitive, social and physical integration of the resident. Individual and group sessions are provided to the residents to assist In Art Therapy is utilized for healing both physical and emotional pain. Art Therapy is used in individual and group settings with residents who are survivors of the Holocaust, residents with the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia diagnosis, increasing their self-esteem by tapping into their creativity. Art Therapy is a powerful tool when used with residents that are dealing with physical and emotional pain, utilizing visualizations and art imagery to reduce and or alleviate pain. The Creative Art Therapy utilizes non-verbal expression through the use of art media, images and the creative art process to reconcile emotional conflicts, foster self-awareness, develop social skills, manage behavior, alleviate pain, problem solving, reduce anxiety, aiding reality orientation, and increasing self-esteem. This therapeutic modality has been a powerful intervention for those residents who are Holocaust Survivors who also have a diagnosis of Dementia. Through Art Therapy a safe environment is created in which the resident, who may be experiencing symptoms of PTSD and dementia, is contained and managed. Resident’s coping mechanisms and personal strengths are cultivated through the therapeutic relationship and the creative process. Lev Leytzan, Therapeutic Clowning The clown visits provide individual and group therapeutic clowning to the Residents of Margaret Tietz twice a month for two hours each visit. They visit residents that need extra socialization, 1:1 interventions and the therapeutic experience that Therapeutic Clowning provides. Most of the residents served by this program are Holocaust Survivors who also have a diagnosis of Dementia. Through the therapeutic interventions provided by trained professional therapeutic clowns, the residents are empowered, able to experience enjoyment, and increased socialization. The residents are able to experience positive interactions and are given opportunities to socialize in a safe and fun environment. The therapeutic clowns engage the residents in decision making by acting out various scenarios, such as ‘what to bring on a trip’, ‘celebrating a resident’s birthday’, and other impromptu interactions that are taken from conversing with the residents. The makeup and props are utilized to further engage the residents. This program has enhanced the quality of life of our residents by allowing safe, fun, and exciting environment to interact with others. The therapeutic clowns are compassionate and empathetic and provide the residents with meaningful, loving interactions. This is essential to the residents as they have gone through traumas, and losses. It is important that we as care takers provide these positive experiences for healing, socialization and diversion from anxiety, pain, and other concerns. Lev Leytzan, Therapeutic Clowning, is a powerful modality in enhancing the life of our residents by providing opportunities for pleasurable life experiences. Massage Therapy One of the best features of the program is that the massages take place regularly, which allows the recipients to be fully impacted by the benefits of the service. Receiving one massage is a nice way to improve someone’s day, but knowing it’s something that can be counted on brings a whole new significance to the program. The residents who take part look forward to their regularly scheduled massages. Through this program, they gain caring and gentle human touch as a regular part of their lives once again. Those who suffer from loneliness and depression feel revitalized as human touch becomes an integral part of their lives again. As part of a new community, they can socialize with others who are receiving massages and soon those who feel lonely and depressed find themselves in a social situation that includes the vital component of human touch. Human touch is vital to the emotional and physical well-being of individuals. Studies have shown that massage therapy is an excellent alternative treatment for a variety of physical ailments. We hope to improve the quality of life for the residents by providing them with this often overlooked modality. Yoga Classes A Yoga Teacher provides yoga classes to long-term residents of the facility. Yoga is a form of movement and breathing that aims at uniting mind and body. It is easily adaptable to various levels and can be of great benefit for physical, spiritual and mental healing. The benefits of these classes are many, well documented and include the following flexibility, strength, breathing, reduces stress, anxiety, improves mood, increases concentration, encourages relaxation, encourages a positive outlook, peace of mind, improved body image, self-esteem, increases sense of community, connection with others and relief of pain.