First of Its Kind! Intergenerational Shabbaton at Margaret Tietz

Seven local high school students from Kew Gardens Hills and Hillcrest took part in a unique Shabbaton experience under the auspices of NCSY. The group of teens, accompanied by a handful of NCSY staff members, joined the Shabbos morning minyan at Margaret Tietz and stayed on for the communal Shabbos lunch. During the break between davening and the meal, the students had the opportunity to spend quality time interacting with the residents. With the lovely weather beckoning, many took advantage of the outdoors to sit with residents in the gardens and get to know them on an individual basis. The seudah that followed was replete with spirited singing, Divrei Torah and Chef Yossi and Eli’s trademark Shabbos food. All involved were enriched by this remarkable Shabbos that brought together different generations in an outstanding display of respect, warmth and camaraderie.  "The presence of these kids added so much to our Shabbos, it was really beautiful. I believe this was the best Shabbos meal since we started having a communal lunch", said Tietz resident, Reuven G. Building on the success of this pilot Shabbaton, we anticipate many future joint weekend programs to be held at Margaret Tietz.