Purim at  Margaret Tietz – A Lively Community Celebration

All the Purim hullabaloo and merriment out in the streets of Queens did not circumvent Margaret Tietz Nursing & Rehabilitation Center in the least. As anyone with a loved one there can attest, the festive and joyous Purim spirit permeated the entire facility – from Rabbi Pearlman’s evening and morning megillah laining  to the costumed visitors parading the halls to the various family seudos that took place at Margaret Tietz. Music reverberated throughout the building as family and friends trooped through to deliver mishloach manos to their loved ones, bringing smiles to everyone’s face. On Shushan Purim, Margaret Tietz participated in parties for neighborhood seniors at the Young Israel of Forest HIlls and Queens Valley Senior Leagues and treated everyone to delightful mishloach manos packages. Rebbetzin Lonni Oppenheim was on hand to provide inspiration with her meaningful words about the Holiday’s background. Kudos to the Shevach High School volunteers and York College intern who helped pack mishloach manos at Margaret Tietz prior to Purim.